
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Room Extras and other projects

I think I'm also going to make a butterfly mobile for her room, similar to this mobile I found on Etsy. I will follow directions on how to make a Christmas Light Ball (using chicken wire and string lights then attach butterflies like the mobile above. I think it will look cute in the corner of her room hanging from the ceiling.

I also want to do a chalkboard door, but our doors are kinda crappy. I need to find a long frame and some plywood. I think a full length mirror kind of frame might work. I can attach it to the door and it will cover the holes, plus I think Mac will like it when she gets a little bigger.

Mac's New Room

I've been working on Mac's new room for a while. There was a lot of prep work, since the people that lived here before us didn't mind drips, brush strokes, or holes in the walls. Putting Duct Tape on the woodwork around the windows is also not a great idea. After sanding and patching walls and goof-offing, sanding and re-staining wood work I'm getting excited that we're so close to finishing up!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My Friend's Wedding

My friend Amanda is getting married to one of the best guys I've ever met. My husband and I are so happy for them! She asked me to be her matron of honor and I'm stressing out about planning her shower and bachelorette party already, because I want them to be amazing! I also get to do her invites, which have been a lot of fun and not as stressful as some of you might be thinking. We found this awesome metallic paper that matches her theme perfectly and since she loves stars we included those as well as rhinestones for an extra special touch! We're still waiting on final details to finish, but they're looking good so far. I also love my new Fiskars 3/4" round corner punch... I wish I would have got one sooner.


I'm really proud of this. I designed our nursery in Illustrator and then was able to make it reality with some giant sheets of canvas and my old acrylics. I've never tried this before, but I measured everything in the room before I started and drew everything to scale so I knew it would fit. Everything turned out really well and I'm really happy that I did it this way instead of just jumping into the room with a paintbrush! I can't believe it was a year ago already that I was working on this.

Brand New

I'm not sure what I'm doing with this, but I know two other people with blogs so I thought I'd try it! What can it hurt, right?